really2 dunno wut to write neway~ keep on thinking of something that i can write now..hmm~just missing my best buddies now..really2 miss them..i mean it..

~u gurls shine my days and nights~
and not to forget..
-someone i really2 care-
.:sys sidah:.
~u have taught me a lot about life!~

and not to forget..
-someone i really2 care-
.:sys sidah:.
~u have taught me a lot about life!~

thanx 4 everything my forever friends!!
forever me ala2 forever yours gitu..wakaka
to jeke yg ko leh tlis?
ahahahahahah..hit u back!
aku mmg lovely..
time kaseh time kaseh~
ak bru je nk tls bnde yg sme mcm illi tulis..nguahuahuahuahuhau
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